Saturday, March 22, 2008


It's probably taken a lot longer than it should have, but this year I've come to realize that Easter is the greatest time of the year.

It's filled with candy, awesome colors, and the easter bunny. Just kidding.

It's the time of year when we remember and reflect on the single most important event in the history of the world! The death and ressurection of Jesus.

The crazy thing about it is people gave up all hope when He was hung on the cross. They thought they'd been dooped by another crazy man who promised them a better way. But 3 days later, He rises from dead, granting all of humanity the possibility for a better way.

So enjoy your peeps, fake grass, and candy eggs, but don't forget the reason for the season. :-)

Christmas is nice, but Easter, that's what it's all about.

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